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Procella Trademark Approved and Registered in USA and EU

The Patent and Trademark Offices in the USA and the European Union have issued Certificate of Registration for the mark Procella to the brand owners or Procella. The main products are the famous and appreciated range of Golf Umbrellas and other types of umbrellas.

Las Vegas — January 17, 2018 — Procella, maker of popular, well-reviewed umbrellas for golf and general use, announced today that their application for trademark registration of the mark Procella have been approved and registered both in the USA and in the European Union.

"We are pleased to announce that the trademark for Procella now is officially approved and registered both in the USA and in the European Union", says a spokesperson for the company behind Procella Umbrella. "The trademark is important both for us and for our customers, and it will help us combat counterfeit products and less serious sellers using our proprietary name and material without approval from us".

The registration was issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on January 16, 2018, and by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) on January 8, 2018.

Procella’s Golf Umbrella is a top-rated product on Amazon with 94% of the reviewers ranking the umbrella with 5 or 4 stars on The corresponding rankings in UK is 96% and  95% for Germany. Several Procella Umbrella's have also been awarded Amazon's Choice in these markets.

Procella Umbrellas are available on,,,, and, in addition to and